Walking routes in the area of the Hoogmolen


Let yourself be surprised by the idyllic setting of swamp forests, ponds, and meadows in a nature reserve of 180 hectares. The yellow buttercups and white clover complete the marsh scene while an igloo of growing willow weaving provides a natural resting place.

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The Dune Belt

The Dune Belt features 3 marked walking areas. Each with its own uniqueness, but all three equally special. Step eagerly through the loose sand and climb the Oudsberg, the highest inland dune in Flanders. Or visit Ophovenderheide (Donderslag) and take a breather at a natural rainwater pond. Are you in the mood for a challenging leg workout? Then opt for the tough Solterheide!

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A unique nature area in the valley of the Dommel, where you can enjoy to your heart's content a nearly uninhabited piece of green where peace and quiet prevail.

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Discover the source area of the Zwarte Beek and the Bollissenbeek (a tributary of the Dommel). The walking paths in this diverse area lead you past ponds, coniferous and deciduous forests, nature fields, and typical agricultural landscapes.

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